A reader called in today, apparently confused about the difference between the Crump Cup and the Compher Cup.
The Compher Cup, the annual match between the Golf Association of Philadelphia and the New Jersey State Golf Association, was held this past Monday. (GAP won). This year, it happened to be at Pine Valley.
The Compher Cup is not to be confused with the Crump Cup, the annual amateur invitational, held by and at Pine Valley Golf Club. The finals match of the Crump Cup, which falls on Sept. 28 this year, is the one day of the year when the club throws open the doors to outsiders.
I'm going down for the Crump Cup this year and taking a few friends. Lunch in the clubhouse. Would love to have you come. Tim
Do you have the details on how we attend the Crump Cup?
Tim, the Clubhouse and Pro Shop are not open to the public during the Crump finals.
Marc, it's show up and walk on.
What time do the golfers tee off? And what time is best to get there?
The best info I can find is that you show up at 1pm to the amusement park, pay a bit for the bus ride, and then you are in.
Can anyone provide more details? Is 1pm the right time? Can you bring anything in with you? Snacks, drinks, cell phones, etc?
This is straight from Pine Valley: The Crump cup is open to the public on Sunday, September 28th. The gates here open at 1:00 for the final match. A local youth sports group handles all of the parking and shuttle services for the club. This year, the parking will be at the Clementon elementary School just off Erial Road. There will be signs as your enter town. They charge $20.00 per car load for parking and the shuttle to and from the club. (One charge) No tickets are necessary. The youth association will have a snack stand. We do not allow cameras or cell phones.
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