If you ever wondered where Tiger Woods comes down on religion, check out this item from the NY Post's gossip page, Page Six.
Tiger Woods got ambushed by an evangelical guest of Nike on Oct. 9 during an exclusive golf outing for top business and entertainment executives.
According to our spy, 30 people - including Clear Channel Radio CEO Mark Mays, Louis Vuitton North America chief Daniel LaLonde and Details magazine editor Daniel Peres - gathered at the Trump golf course in Los Angeles for the 2006 "Tee It Up With Tiger Woods" event, which included a private golf session and lunch with the living legend. "
During the lunch, there was a Q&A session with Woods, and most people were asking about their swings or golf questions," our source said. "Until some guy - a guest of Nike - stood up and said, 'Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? And if not, prayfully, would you?' "
The source added, "You could have heard a pin drop. People were mortified. But Tiger was as unflappable as he is on the golf course and responded, 'My father was a Christian - of course Christianity was part of my life - but my mother is Asian and Buddhism was also part of my childhood, so I practice both faiths respectfully.' "
Would that all people, from Pres. Bush to the guy/gal next door address any question as appropriately as our favorite golfer.
Such honesty and candor are rarely seen these days. Viva Tiger
Tiger handled it better that I would; How about 'None of your business, reverend'. Apparently this wacko doesn't believe in separation of church and state. How about I ask him what his wife likes in bed? I'm sure his answer would be something like, 'None of your business, pervert'.
What a great answer. I am awed at how unflappable Tiger is in the face of any difficulty.
"Church and state"? Tiger's a real power in golf these days, but that doesn't put him in charge of the country.
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